This is an overview of the PACC Map components.

On this page, we highlight the parts of the map, what the tokens mean and when to use them.

The map is made in Miro, a virtual whiteboarding web-app, that allows for multiple people to use the board at the same time.

A template version of an empty map, along with template slides, is freely available to all facilitators in the Miroverse.

The Empty PACC Map

There are 4 main sections to any PACC Map:

  1. Title - Be sure to include a title for your Map. This will be important when it comes time to share out the Map later. We suggest incorporating the name of the community, the focus for the workshop and the date.
  2. Map of Community - This is a screen capture of a map of the community involved in the workshop. Ensure your screen capture is scaled to include locations relevant to your PACC Mapping workshop— this might include particular primary care clinics, community service locations, neighbourhoods relevant to your persona, etc.
  3. Personas - Include images of the persona you’ve selected and adapted together with your stakeholders in this section on the Map. This provides a visual roadmap for participants in the workshop, and a reminder of the person-centred nature of the work.
  4. Gaps and Other Ideas - While new ideas that can be actioned by the community will be applied directly to the community map, there is still room for other ideas to come to light in the workshop. Place these ideas that might require additional follow-up or further thought before action on this portion of the PACC Map. Think of it like a parking lot where ideas, questions, and gaps can be captured and taken forward for future conversation.

The PACC Map Tokens and Icons

All of these tokens and their descriptions are also in Miro (see: Miroverse PACC Map) for you to use in your Mapping sessions.

These are placed next to the map and not locked down so you can duplicate them and move them onto your map during a session.

New Idea Card

We use the grey cards for new ideas! Ideas might include new and better ways to collaborate across existing services, novel ideas to fill service gaps, etc.

Duplicate this card and place on the map at the approximate area to document ideas. You can use these in the "Other Ideas" section as well for new ideas that do not fit a specific geographic location.

It is important to ensure that the ideas on these cards come across as clear, readable and organized. As such, you may want to title your cards. Our ISU team will sometimes use labels like “New Idea” or “Existing Clinic”. This can make for easier map review later!

Additionally, you may choose to colour code idea cards coming on to the map to correspond to the persona relevant to the idea. That said, ideally these cards will remain grey, and you’ll actually end up tagging multiple personas to the idea using the persona tokens.

Question Cards

Question cards capture undecided questions.

Duplicate this card and place in the "Gaps and Other Ideas" section on the map to record questions or issues that come up that cannot be answered by the group in the session. This is very useful when you need to leave an issue in order to move the conversation forward. It is also helpful to have these when you are working on your feedback report as these often are follow-up actions for the group.

Persona Name Tags

For each persona, there are two icons (shown below). We have added these to the template, and you can create your own, if you have created your own persona.

We place the larger Persona Name Tags on the map in the persona section and then lock them down when we lock the map (before the session). The pictures makes it easier for people to see the persona's face.

When creating your map board, you can change the background colour for your personas in case two personas you want to use have similar colours in the template.

Persona Tokens