
This page outlines and illustrates the steps of a typical immPACC Mapping session. This is written for facilitators to learn about the method and to reference.

Session Orientation

We have provided details and example slides you can use in the Miro template.

Welcome and Introductions

Example ice-breaker questions

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Overview of the Session Goals

Next confirm the goals for the session, at a high level so that everyone is on the same page. This would include highlighting the population and overall gap everyone will focus on in the session.

Do not go down into the specifics of the barriers, etc., as that is the session itself, instead this is an overview of what is in and out of scope for the session to help focus the conversation.

Highlight the output of the session is to have generated and discussed ideas to improve vaccine uptake with agreement that some of the proposed ideas will be taken forward (how they will be taken forward will depend on the group).

<aside> 🛠 We have sample "frames" in the Miro template you can use as slides in presenter mode. Feel free to edit those during your prep stage.


Orientation to the Map and immPACC Process

The lead facilitator will turn Miro into presentation mode and share screen.

Walk through the intro slides in Miro and briefly highlight what is immPACC and how it works in a person-centred approach to trigger discussions and generate local ideas to improve vaccine uptake.

Review the Starting immPACC Map

Once you get to the empty map, you can shift out of presentation mode.

Go through the spaces of the immPACC map, showing this to the participants.

Highlight the scope on the map, for example, if there are clear geographic areas that are in scope, name those so people do not dwell on out of scope conversation too much in the workshop.

Highlight how the personas will be used to map potential solutions. The group will map together what they feel are the best actions to help the people the personas represent get vaccinated. This helps reorient those who know and catches up those who are joining without having done the pre-work.

First Use of the Map

Place Existing Vaccine Clinics and Services on the Map

Show how the map works by pulling over the existing vaccine clinics and services onto the map, confirming their size, scope, etc.

You can do this very briefly as the participants will know them likely better than you. You can ask participants, "what are the current vaccine options?" and then pull out pre-made cards that are tucked beside the map (and therefore off screen of the facilitator's shared screen window).

By putting these on the map (vs. already having them on the map) you show people how the board is going to work with their ideas. You might even discover another option (or more) that is currently available in the community. Add those in as existing ideas (black cards).

Place Existing Card.gif

Capture any Burning Ideas or Topics